# Wording Status Date
20-191 Lewis County Microwave System Upgrade approved June 8, 2020
20-192 Accept a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce Coronavirus Relief Funds for Local Governments approved June 8, 2020
20-193 Extending the local declaration of a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 virus in Lewis County approved June 8, 2020
20-194 Authorizing an interfund loan from Capital Facilities Plan Fund No. 3100 to COVID-19 Response Fund No. 1410 approved June 8, 2020
20-195 Approving Cispus Learning Center After-school Program Agreement between Cispus Learning Center and Lewis County approved June 8, 2020
20-196 Approve Memorandum Of Understanding between Lewis County and Lewis County Seniors to provide services upon receipt of FEMA funding due to COVID-19 approved June 8, 2020
20-197 Approving a franchise to AT&T to install, construct, operate, and maintain telecommunications facilities in Lewis County rights of way approved June 8, 2020
20-172 The temporary closure of Jackson Highway South to all through traffic approved June 1, 2020
20-173 The temporary closure of Graf Road to all through traffic approved June 1, 2020
20-174 Notice of hearing regarding a franchise to Rene & Jeannette Remund to install, construct, operate, and maintain Water facilities in Lewis County rights of way approved June 1, 2020
20-175 Lewis County 2020 budget emergency and supplemental appropriations to and transfers within current expense and various funds, notice of hearing thereon approved June 1, 2020
20-176 In the matter of warrants and/or payroll for payments of claims against various County departments approved June 1, 2020
20-177 Approving Purchase of HVAC Disinfection Units approved June 1, 2020
20-178 Award of Contract for the Historic Courthouse Masonry Restoration Project approved June 1, 2020
20-179 Award of Architectural and Engineering Services Master Contract for Capital Plan Projects approved June 1, 2020
20-180 Ratification of the Award of Contract for the Meade Hill MP 0.64 Guardrail Project, CRP 2190A from the Small Works Roster approved June 1, 2020
20-181 Approving a Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus and a Local programs State Funding Agreement between Lewis County and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for the Mickelsen Parkway Project, County Road Project (CRP) 2121 approved June 1, 2020
20-182 Approving a Master Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and Town of Pe Ell and authorizing signatures thereon approved June 1, 2020
20-183 Approving an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and City of Centralia regarding work by county crews and authorizing signatures thereon approved June 1, 2020
20-184 Approve Memorandum of Understanding with the Port of Chehalis amending the .09 "Distressed Counties" Grant Agreement for the Rail Transload and Grain Facility project approved June 1, 2020